Web for Beginners: Session #5 – Bootstrap Images, Tables, Alerts, Buttons, and Badges

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YoXvPlgwppU&list=PLOR5hj0X3WPe5BaaZtaLsWzecncSPgbCw&index=5 1. Bootstrap Images Responsive Images Use the .img-fluid class to make images responsive and scale with the parent element. <img src="image.jpg" class="img-fluid" alt="Responsive image"> Image Thumbnails Use the .img-thumbnail…

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Web for Beginners: Session #4 – Introduction to Git, GitHub, and Bootstrap CSS

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=d9MfcPVi58U&list=PLOR5hj0X3WPe5BaaZtaLsWzecncSPgbCw&index=4 1. Introduction to Git What is Git? Git is a distributed version control system used to track changes in source code during software development. It allows multiple developers to…

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Web for Beginners: Session #3 – Deep Dive into HTML Continued

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=37VQITa65u8&list=PLOR5hj0X3WPe5BaaZtaLsWzecncSPgbCw&index=3 1. Advanced HTML Elements Tables (Continued) Spanning Rows and Columns <table> <tr> <th>Header 1</th> <th>Header 2</th> <th>Header 3</th> </tr> <tr> <td rowspan="2">Rowspan 2</td> <td>Cell 2</td> <td>Cell 3</td> </tr> <tr>…

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Web for Beginners: Session #2 – Deep Dive into HTML

https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X52YavLu4Hs&list=PLOR5hj0X3WPe5BaaZtaLsWzecncSPgbCw&index=2 1. Introduction to HTML What is HTML? HTML (HyperText Markup Language) is the standard language for creating web pages and web applications. It describes the structure of a webpage…

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